Boise Real Estate Lawyer

Johnson May’s real estate attorneys can assist you in safeguarding your interests in residential and commercial property investments throughout Idaho. We have years of experience handling every aspect of real estate law.
Real estate transactions can be complex, and the legal language and requirements can be difficult to navigate. Our real estate attorneys can provide legal expertise and help ensure that all aspects of the transaction are legally sound.
Few real estate attorneys in Boise have a more comprehensive understanding of real estate law. The combined experience of all of our attorneys brings decades of experience in real estate law to protect our clients’ interests. Call Johnson May to speak with one of our Boise real estate lawyers about your legal needs.
Real Estate Litigation
Our lawyers represent property owners, buyers, sellers, commercial tenants, and other parties in a wide range of real estate-oriented litigation including:
- Construction litigation: Disputes often arise in construction projects over excessive costs, defects, or deviations from the approved construction contracts. We can represent owners trying to hold a contractor legally accountable for failing to follow through as promised.
- Purchase and sale disputes: Buyers and sellers usually breathe a huge sigh of relief after signing a purchase agreement. But the legal disagreements might start immediately thereafter. Our lawyers can help with a whole host of issues, including misrepresentation and repudiation of the contract.
- Real estate fraud: Sellers should make required disclosures and not misrepresent aspects of the property. For example, they should not claim a roof is new if it is really 20 years old. If you relied on information which turned out to be false, we can sue the seller for fraud or misrepresentation. We can discuss all possible remedies, from damages to rescission of the contract.
- Land use: Many of our clients seek to develop a parcel, but they need government approval first. We help clients appeal the city’s denial of a land use permit. Zoning laws and the permitting process can radically reduce the value of your parcel. Let us present your side of the story.
- Quiet title action: Often, a quiet title action is necessary when there are questions about title to a piece of real estate. A title search might have revealed gaps or possible adverse interests. We can help bring this action to quiet any adverse claims to ownership.
- Easements: An easement is the right to use or enter someone else’s property, such as an easement to cross someone’s land to reach the highway. Easements are sometimes critical to allow our clients to enjoy the use of their property, but they can reduce the value of the burdened parcel. We can provide legal advice regarding the status of an easement and bring litigation to either enforce the easement or defeat it.
- Encumbrances. Real estate is often encumbered with liens, restrictive covenants, easements, encroachments, and leases. We can work with you to investigate encumbrances and seek to remove them, if necessary.
- Evictions. Evictions are high stakes legal disputes. Our lawyers can help clients in an eviction action, where time is of the essence. Get the legal advice you need. Landlords should avoid any “self-help” action which could subject them to liability, such as locking out their tenants or shutting off the utilities. And tenants should obtain legal representation instead of representing themselves.
Real Estate Transaction Services
Johnson May also has a thriving real estate transaction practice. A lawyer is often helpful for identifying and resolving problems, such as issues involving titles or easements. Our transaction lawyers also draft commercial or residential leases and ensure they protect your legal and financial interests.
Our team advises buyers and sellers regarding:
- Leases: Commercial leases are much more detailed and complex than residential leases, and commercial tenants and landlords must protect themselves. We can review any lease with an eye to strengthening it. For example, commercial tenants need protections regarding signage and whether the landlord will lease to a tenant within the same building. A landlord should also seek protections regarding rent.
- Title searches: Title defects injure both buyers and sellers. A seller’s warranties regarding title create the possibility of legal exposure if the warranty is breached. Buyers could see their property value reduced if there are liens or encumbrances. We will review land records in a title search and provide advice about how to deal with any title issues.
- Other searches: Our lawyers can arrange and review searches regarding tax arrears, work orders, zoning, and other issues that could impact a real estate transaction.
- Purchase and sale agreements: We will ensure there are necessary contingencies in any purchase agreement that fully protect you. For example, a buyer might want a contingency that the purchase will not go through unless they sell their current home. Without this clause, you could end up getting sued.
- Real estate closings: We can handle your real estate closing, ensuring that all necessary paperwork is filled out completely and accurately.
These are only some of our transactional services provided to real estate clients. When handled properly, transactions reduce the likelihood of litigation happening later. Call us today to find out how we can help.
How Do I Find Your Office?
Address: 199 N Capitol Blvd #200, Boise, ID 83702
Parking: Use the Parking garage on the backside of the building! The best entrance is off of W Idaho St.
Best Way To Get To Us: To get to us in an easy way would be to drive North on N. Capital Blvd. and take a left on W Idaho St. and then enter the parking garage! See you soon!
Get Experienced Legal Advice
Buying or selling a piece of property is often the largest transaction an individual or even a business might make. Months of careful planning go into securing financing and performing due diligence. You deserve detailed, expert advice to ensure there are no surprises along the way.
Too many people hope a transaction goes through smoothly without adequately protecting themselves. They glance at contracts or use a ready-made agreement they found online. They do not think through problems which might come down the road and therefore do not plan for them. The result is a transaction that ends up being more costly than they imagined.
Call Johnson May to discuss your legal needs. We can help if you are just dipping your toe into the commercial real estate market or find yourself in the middle of litigation involving an easement or breached contract. Our legal team knows what evidence is relevant to disputes. Call our law firm today so we can begin advising you.
Our lawyers are committed to keeping fees as low as possible. We realize legal services represent a cost which many people deduct from the value of the real estate. But the right attorneys can increase value and provide peace of mind at the same time. The last thing anyone needs is for a real estate transaction to go sideways.
Contact a Boise Real Estate Lawyer for a Consultation
Johnson May is an established firm in Boise which has handled all types of real estate issues. We have ample real estate transactional experience and have handled many cases from start to finish when settlement is not possible. Our experience includes representing construction companies, HOAs, tenants, and individual sellers and homebuyers through Real Estate legal matters and even more with services like Personal Injury. Let us explain what services we can provide for you. Contact our Boise, ID office to schedule a consultation with one of our amazing attorneys!